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Superstition : Fishing.
One of the strangest sea fishing superstitions says that if a fisherman and his wife have a quarrel and fight just before he goes to sea then he can expect a good catch. The argument though, must develop naturally, and not be staged deliberately, and if a man actually draws blood from his wife then he can expect an especially large haul.
This is a drawing from a couple of years ago. The Barguest is a ghost story that originated in Yorkshire and is said to have been sighted in Whitby... The Barguest is a ghostly dog that is said to wonder the North York Moors and sometimes said to wonder about the streets of Whitby...
I had a spare 45 min after an errand and wanted to see the De Young. I wasn't planning on it, so I didn't have a jacket or hat to protect from the cold wind and had to draw fast.
Welcome to Nornwan, Untitled Heroes!!! What brings you here today? Escape from reality? Sweet! Me too! This is an illustration of her majesty the queen. She has no name that we simpler lifeforms can pronounce. She has lived long, and ever watched over the land of Sucrosia, (the land of candy). Not all dragons that come to the land of Nornwan are peaceful and life-loving creatures, nay, some are wicked beasts, they oft seek the utter destruction of the peoples! How very fortunate we are, indeed, to be blessed by the Candied Lady.
we are #untitledheroes
I used brush pen and watercolors. The most challenging part was holding back on excessive pen lines to render the fur, using patches of paint instead. Although I think the background is a bit dark and there a few mistakes, I feel that learned from this.